

Please be aware that Mistletoe is not FDA approved for the treatment of any specific Illness.

Our goal is to treat the whole person individually and to support our patients with a caring touch supported by anthroposophic, metabolic and holistic medicine. Our approach is integrative and multi-dimensional. We also will make sure your support works in concert with your other conventional or integrative medical treatments.  

Dr. Johnson offers consultations and mistletoe treatment for patients living with cancer. He is a co-author and lead editor of the book “Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology” (available on Amazon and Steiner Books). Dr. Johnson is the director of the Mistletoe Oncology Training and Mentoring Program for clinicians in North America. He has over 30 years of experience using mistletoe and supportive treatments.

Dr. Johnson offers mistletoe, nutritional, metabolic lab interpretations and anthroposophic/holistic medicine consultations on a part time basis. At CMA we offer anthroposophic therapies that can be supportive during your cancer care, such as nursing support, eurythmy, rhythmical massage and cranial osteopathy. CMA also offers infusions of mistletoe by physician prescription.

Dr. Johnson can only accept a limited number of patients that are in stable condition managing cancer. Primary care and oncology specialtist services are expected to be part of your support team. Dr. Johnson can advise your current physicians regarding integrating mistletoe therapy. Dr. Lazare is available for primary care if desired.

For more information about mistletoe please purchase the book noted above or for a list of journal articles visit: clinical-fields/cancer-disease-mistletoe-treatment
or on the clinical trial page at John Hopkins University at :

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