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Salutogenesis and Anthroposophic Meditation

“The health of the modern person depends entirely upon how he thinks of himself as a human being and upon which path of development he travels.”

Salutogenesis: Seven Requirements for Healthy Growth and Development

Everyone who becomes aware of divine spiritual existence, who "awakens" to it, can learn how to become healthier and more human. Rudolf Steiner, an experienced teacher in the realm of self-development, has described how this can be done. In his books Esoteric Science, Theosophy and How to Know Higher Worlds, he clearly states that the acquisition of knowledge, the striving for higher development or meditative exercises can only be beneficial if we make the results of this work fruitful for daily life. For ultimately, how can such magnificent human characteristics as veneration, inner peace, courage, confidence, hope, loyalty, devotion, love and honesty must become autonomous and, in turn, confirm the autonomy of others. To be learned, these qualities must be rooted in everyday life, and in fact, have to be developed and proven in daily life.

A healthy meditative life is a step toward building the origins of health “salutogenesis.” Working with the exercises below can lead to taking hold of our daily life in such a way as to build healthy habits and thinking into the fabric of our lives.

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