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Cold and Flu Season Remedies

Cold and Flu season is approaching. The World Health organization is encouraging everyone to only use antibiotics  where appropriately prescribed by your clinician due to the growing epidemic of antimicrobial resistance. Below are some suggestions for early cold and flu symptoms to support this emerging challenge. Please consult your physician if illness and fever persist as sometimes antibiotics and other medicines are necessary.

All the remedies below can be used in combination to support the variations of cold and flu symptoms including low grade fever. UR=Uriel Pharmacy, W=Weleda pharmacy

Gelsemium Bryonia:  UR

A core remedy for all types of flu and its symptoms including muscular aches and pains. It contains yellow jasmine roots, white bryony roots and vivianite.

Infludo: W

For influenza symptoms and general cold and flu symptoms.

Apis Belladonna Pellets: UR

For the inflammation associated with colds and flu including coping with the  symptoms of low-grade fever, rash and redness of the skin. To learn more about what is a safe fever response visit Always consult your primary care  clinician with questions about fever.

Cinnabar Dandelion and Plantago Pyrite: UR

Cinnabar Dandelion is for  the symptoms of sore throat. Cold and flu with congestion especially in the head region and Plantago Pyrite for the symptoms of sore throat, cold and flu especially in the chest region.

Echinacae Thuja: UR

For more intensive cold and flu symptoms including fever and exhaustion. Especially indicated when concerned about progression of symptoms. It contains echinacea, thuja, honey bee, argentum nitricum and the essential oils of anise, eucalyptus and sage.

Plantain Cough Syrup: UR

Finally and all plant-based syrup for respiratory symptoms like cough, congestion flavored nicely with wild cherry and natural cane sugar.

Pertadoron ! and 2: W

For the symptoms of cough with cold symptoms

Pneumadoron 1 and 2: W

For the symptoms preceding pneumonia and for the symptoms of upper respiratory illness.

Plantain Beeswax Chest Ointment: UR

A warming aromatic ointment for the chest, back and sinuses which reliefs the relieve the sensation of mucous congestion and labored breathing.  

Meteoric Iron Prunus Immune Support Pellets: UR

Supports exhaustion and sense of being run down which often precedes colds and flu. Good for prevention, travel and also the fatigue associated with  recovery from a flu-like illness. Experience the light energy of meteoric iron, phosphorous and quartz complimented with the fortifying effects of echinacea and blackthorn.

Winter support:

Travel Remedy: UR

Consider this popular remedy to support the symptoms of jet lag, travel and seasonal holiday stress. A remedy carefully formulated for overall homeostasis of the body affected by stress.

Aurum Lavender Rose Cream: UR

This top product  is back in the original tubes.  An amazing blend of organic essential oils providing a calming aura of calm to sooth tension and stress. Apply to wrists, chest and under the nose sparingly. It is hard to find such a blend of essential oils at this price and quality.

Rose Copper Ointment: UR

A warming red copper blend to warm the feet and support the symptoms of cold sensitivity, poor circulation and cramping. Apply a dab sparingly to the feet, wrists or low back.

Grapeseed extract can be a good supplement when run down or prone to get sick. (Nutra-biotic GSE is a good brand).

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